Use "scad|scads" in a sentence

1. Your slow climb is pissing off scads of already addled public transportation users.

2. Which tells us scads about Kobe Bryant and the Lakers of the moment.

3. Getting rid of all those in-house servers is supposed to save scads of money.

4. There is just scads of stuff on families and marriage, but very little on friendship.

5. Although mackerel scad have been found at the surface, they are usually caught at depths between 40 and 200 meters.

6. So, he went from idea to learning to implementation to scads of users in a very short time.

7. The whole phenomenon of the yen carry trade is a subject that draws scads of attention, but rarely ever much clarity.

8. Among the scads of TV stars I've talked to, I never made a point of grilling them on their TV consumption.

9. The .class files produced were 1 with .rb files, to provide a nice mechanism for precompiling scripts without generating scads of output.

10. Mackerel scad have 9 spines and 31–36 rays on their dorsal fins, while there are seven spines and 27–30 rays on their anal fins.

11. Short-chain Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) deficiency is a rare genetic condition that prevents the body from converting certain fats (called short-chain fatty acids) into energy

12. More than one wag has quipped that XML is a specification with no other use but to spawn scads of other specifications.

13. Antonyms for Bushelful. 23 synonyms for bushel: jillion, million, multiplicity, ream, trillion, gob, heap, load, lot, oodles, passel, peck, scad, slew, wad, zillion, fix, furbish up

14. An increasing number of interior professionals announce scads of supply and demand information on the website as well as recruitments and job seeking.

15. It featured the crossover hit single "Parents Just Don't Understand" and scads of clever, gangsta-free lyrics that elicited knowing chuckles from middle-American teenagers.

16. Short-chain Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) deficiency is a condition that prevents the body from converting certain fats into energy, especially during periods without food (fasting).Signs and symptoms of SCAD deficiency may appear during infancy or early childhood and can include vomiting, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), a lack of energy (lethargy), poor feeding, and failure to gain weight and

17. Before I moved to Tokyo back in 19 I had read scads of articles about Japan's neurotic "education moms" and "cram schools" for the preschool set.

18. Over the years, your brain has scored up scads of patterns, information that tells you that if one thing happens, something else is likely to follow.

19. There is just scads of stuff on families and marriage, but very little on friendship. It baffles me. Friendship has a bigger impact on our psychological well-being than family relationships.

20. Aronia sunt fructe de pădure cu un efect tonic general, ce cresc vitalitatea datorită bogăției și concentrației mari de vitamine și substanțe nutritive cu proprietăți benefice pentru sănătate.Studiile arată că, prin compușii săi speciali, Aronia îmbunătățesc sistemul imunitar, echilibrează metabolismul și scad nivelul hormonilor de stres.

21. FAO areas where the mackerel scad is native include the north east and northwest Atlantic, the center east and west Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, the South east and west Atlantic, the eastern and western Indian, and the North west, center west, center east and south west Pacific.